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Michael Grossman has over 35 years of experience providing statistical and data management support to experienced teams for preclinical studies and clinical trials, registries and post marketing trials, epidemiology and public health studies, and litigation support, including the challenge and defense of patent claims.


Michael’s expertise includes biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and medical devices, bioequivalence, statistical modeling, data mining, experimental design and optimization, outcomes research, data mining, outcomes research, bio-equivalence and statistical applications to chemical testing and identification, environmental contamination, market segmentation, and product profiling. His varied project work has included subject matter related to: neurology, oncology, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, stroke, gastrointestinal disease, orthopedic surgery, serology, interstitial cystitis, and research with numerous drug classes.


Michael and his affiliated colleagues have a publication record of over 400 papers in peer reviewed journals, two books, and fourteen patents. Publications include methodological papers addressing biological and medical problems, applied research in medical journals arising from consulting activities, theoretical and applied research in the statistical and mathematical sciences.


Michael earned his Master of Arts in Mathematics at Stony Brook University and a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics, English, and Economics at New York University.

Michael Grossman Bio: About
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